Conflict and Equilibrium - the argument against free will - Conflict arises when there is a difference between the will of an agent and their environment. Typical examples of conflict include a dispute over a shared property line with a neighbor, two companies battling in the marketplace for brand supremacy, and a farmer facing drought and the loss of their...
2024-12-21 Zettelkasten - The concept of a Zettelkasten (ZK) is fairly well know among personal knowledge managment (PKM) enthusiasts. I tend to subscribe to Bob Doto’s approach and am reading his book on the subject as I develop my own ZK. I am builing mine in Obsidian, after trying the analog method for...
2024-12-20 Momofuku Noodles - I recently decided to give in to the hype and buy a pack of Momofuku Sweet & Spicy Noodles. I got 5 packs for about $20. This is more expensive than, say, standard ramen at the grocery store. After waiting a very long time for delivery, I tried the first...